How can you help?


The best way to help us is to contribute to the campaign monitarily by selecting a PERK to the right.  But we are completely understanding about finances and other situations!  There are many ways to help out!

  • Share, Share, Share!   Share this website and tell people what you think about the project!  We have provided some simple sharing tools on the bottom of each page and on the side of the website.
  • Like us on Facebook – – and share that too!
  • Follow us on Twitter – – and retweet us!
  • Lend us a hand – Do you have any specific area of expertise and want to contribute to the project?  Are you a catering service or own lighting equipment or run an anti-bullying campaign?  We would LOVE to talk to you!
  • We need a few more locations!!!  Check our Facebook page for any specific requests.  Wouldn’t it be fun to have a film made in your home?
  • Email us!  If you’d like to hear more about how you can be a part of our project, please email for further questions.  We would love to have you as a part of the team!
Are you looking to buy a T-Shirt?  Head on over to our T-Shirt Booster campaign at: – they are taking care of shirts.